Telali Street is located in the heart of the Old Town, in the vicinity of Baščaršija Square.
Luledžina Street is located in the central part of the Old Town, in the vicinity of Čaršija.
Kračule Street is located in the heart of the Old Town, in the vicinity of Baščaršija Square.
Kovači Street is located in the heart of the Old Town, in a neighborhood which goes by the same name.
Čizmedžiluk Street is located in the central part of the Old Town and runs along the eastern wall of the courtyard at Gazi Husrev Bey’s Mosque.
Đulagina Street is located in the heart of the Old Town, in the vicinity of Gazi Husrev Bey’s Mosque, and runs perpendicular to Sarači St. and Mula Mustafe Bašeskije St.
Đulagina Cikma is a blind alley that was part of Gazi Husrev Bey mahala (neighborhood) during the 16th century.
Prote Bakovića Street is located in the central part of the Old Town, in the vicinity of Baščaršija Square.
Ulica je nastala u prvoj polovini 16. stoljeća i nalazi se u središnjem dijelu Starog Grada, na širem prostoru Baščaršije.
Oprkanj Street is located in the central part of the Old Town, in the vicinity of Baščaršija Square, and joins Bravadžiluk St. and Telali St. This street became part of the Čaršija in the 16th century.