Gazi Husrev Bey’s Street is located in the heart of the Old Town and runs perpendicular to Zelenih Beretki St. and Mula Mustafe Bašeskije St.
Baščaršija is actually a very wide street which serves as a square in the heart of Sarajevo’s main bazaar (čaršija).
Kazandžiluk Street is located in the heart of the Old Town, in the vicinity of Baščaršija Square.
Bravadžiluk Street is located in the central part of Sarajevo’s old bazaar, and stretches from Baščaršija Mosque to Vijećnica (City Hall).
Ulica Bravadžiluk mali smješten je u središnjem dijelu stare sarajevske čaršije.
Mudželiti Mali (little) Street is located in the heart of the Old Town, in the vicinity of Gazi Husrev Bey's Mosque.
Mudželiti Veliki (great) Street is located in the heart of the Old Town, in the vicinity of Gazi Husrev Bey's Mosque.
Ćurčiluk Veliki (great) Street is located in the central part of Sarajevo's old Čaršija and was laid out in the 16th century.
Ćurčiluk Mali (little) Street is located in the central part of Sarajevo's Čaršija and was laid out in the 16th century.
Bazardžani Street is located in the central part of the Old Town, on the southern side of Baščaršija.
Tabaci Street is located in the heart of the Old Town, in the vicinity of Baščaršija.
Brodac Street is located in the central part of the Old Town and runs along the northwestern side of Vijećnica (City Hall).